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Grant Harris August 1, 2019 at 3:54am
I played from the gold tees when it was close to dark which caused me to lose a lot of discs. I lost a watermelon envy with phone # because I just left it somewhere before hole 6. I did not throw it when I lost it but it may have just fell out of my bag. On hole 6, I also lost a blue deputy with phone # in a bush that was on the left side of the fairway 80 feet from the basket. On hole 18 I threw a pink Zeus that fell just short of the sidewalk on hole 18. I lost a purple Shryke on hole 16 that ... more
Doug Raas June 2, 2017 at 12:00pm
Lost Eclipse - This is a very sentimental disc. Lost on June 1st, in the early evening on hole 11: I hit the leafy part of the overhanging branch to the right of center and it plunked more or less straight down into the water. The disc is yellow, older, with the edges all worn. I believe it is a 171 weight. I know it has my name, Doug Raas on the reverse side, and may also have my phone number and/or email address. The phone number is likely old, though it would be current if the area code is 84 ... more
Jim ONeill October 25, 2013 at 8:55pm
It appears that the redesign of this facility is finished. thanks to Charles Kennedy and especially Discontinum dg club.
That super shitty! Someone came up on them the next day and had an early Christmas finding all your discs! Lesson learned I hope?!