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Devil's Glen is a favorite of 35 players
Trent Moore Illinois, USA
Zachary Totten Minnesota, USA
Stu Thomas Illinois, USA
Rob M Oklahoma, USA
Robert Radtke Illinois, USA
Wes Jacobson Illinois, USA
chester kemerling Illinois, USA
Dan Ferch Iowa, USA
John Hicks Illinois, USA
Carl Moore Illinois, USA
Tom Lansing Iowa, USA
Scott S Iowa, USA
Chris Winkel Iowa, USA
Bo Davis Iowa, USA
chris lawrence Iowa, USA
Jeff Herter Iowa, USA
Adam Skidmore Iowa, USA
Frank Cruz Iowa, USA
Jasper McIntire Ohio, USA
will severns Wisconsin, USA
Matt Jones Illinois, USA
Jason Cosley US
Andrew VonHoldt USA
Vaughn Foster Illinois, USA
Raymond ewing USA
Bill Huber USA
Doug Johnson Iowa, USA
Thomas Anderson USA
Dylan Hart US