
Kitchener, Ontario     1 course · 18 holes
27 following Course discussion
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John May    July 12, 2012 at 10:13pm

For those of you noticing round ratings next to your score, I added "1000-ratings" to the main summer layouts. The rating is computed as 1000 plus/minus 10 for each stroke below/above the 1000-rating.
These 1000-ratings are not SSAs since those can only be computed by the PDGA. Instead they are calculated using a formula similar to the scratch score estimator (SSE) used by disc golf course review (and described here: ). H ... more


Galen Wyatt    May 25, 2010 at 9:07pm

Is there anyway that the par 4s could be added? I don't like my +10 being turned into a +12.

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