
Central Michigan University

Mt. Pleasant, MI · 1 course · 18 holes

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Mark Steffke If you left an unmarked disc today I found one this evening lying on hole 6 (classic), and placed it in the card box. I hope the rightful owner gets it back. Oct 5
Jarod Hughes Lost a white Innova TL on hole 15. Would love to have it back. 9897512843 Jun 23, 2023
Craig Clingan I may have lost a dark-blue Buzzz out there the other day. Reward and/or trade if returned. Thanks. (989) 506-7917 Mar 13, 2023
Craig Clingan Mar 19, 2023 Huge THANK YOU to whomever found my Buzzz and put it in the "card box"!! Also, thanks to Ryan Y for finding it there.
Duncan Christiansen Lost a red mako 3 on hole 13. It’s beat in so much the stamp is worn off. Name and number on disc. Reward if found. Feb 14, 2021
Taylor Arehart Lost a green Zeus in the pond on hole one under the willow. Wind picked it up and skipped it off the wet ground. Name and number are on rim and would love to get it back if anyone goes diving for discs Oct 2, 2020
Bill Laur Lost a TI Buzz on hole 12.
Wind picked the disc past the basket and towards the pond.
Reward if found, should have my name and number on it.
Sep 6, 2020
Christopher Lea Does this park close at night? I was thinking of a glow round Aug 6, 2020
Craig Clingan Aug 6, 2020 It doesn't close but don't be surprised to have a police officer ask you what you're doing out there. They don't care, as far as I know.
Madison Amlotte Took a buddy disc golfing for the first time today and he threw one on the pond. It’s sitting on the ice right now too far out to grab. Anybody know if they ever go through and pull them from the pond? Nov 22, 2019
Scott Streeter Lost a bright green mid range on the left side of 7 last week and a purple and white wrath on 13 today....bad luck. Sep 5, 2019
Christopher Lea Lost my favourite disc yesterday, blue boss on hole 15, reward if found!! My info is on it Jul 28, 2019
Jeff Huisjen
Last night a buddy who’s fairly new to disc golf lost a tournament stamped (he doesn’t remember that tournament) jawbreaker putter on the left side of 16. His name’s not on it. Let me know if an ... show more ›
Jun 26, 2019
Craig Compton
Hey all. New Facebook page for the Gratiot County Disc Clan. Info for league and tourneys can also be found there, as well as a meeting place for anyone looking to play. Go give it a like and share wi ... show more ›
Apr 2, 2019
Simon Porritt
The Mount Pleasant Discraft Ace Race registration is now open! Saturday, Sept. 22nd is the Big Day, registration will close down 2 weeks prior to order the packs. Remember this a great event to introd ... show more ›
Aug 7, 2018
David Fleis Nicked a blue mvp teleport into the trees on the right hand side of 14.
Would love to get it back if you see it.

Name and number should be on it.
May 6, 2018
Jeff Huisjen Me again. Blasted my Eclipse Axis past the basket on 1 into the water. If it's found I'd love to get it back. Thanks! Apr 26, 2018
Jeff Huisjen Skipped a custom dyed volt into the high water of the pond on hole 1 today. If someone finds it when the water recedes I'd love to get it back, name and number are on it. Thanks! Apr 23, 2018
Jesse Rohdy Lost a yellow vision with custom stamp on hole 15, pretty sure it’s in one of the pine trees on the right side of the fairway Mar 18, 2018
Spencer Gee White w Purple Proto Stamp Mako hole 11 to the right. Shouldn't be too far up the fairway. Couldn't find it anywhere. Reward if returned! Sep 19, 2017
Tim Obertein Come play this fundraiser for a disc golfer who does a ton for the local disc scene! No registration and 100% of funds go to the family!
Jul 26, 2017
Spencer Gee Found keys today - contact me if you lost some. Jun 22, 2017
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