Douglas McIntosh December 23 at 5:29pm
This Saturday December 28th
9th Annual Cassius Benton
PDGA C-tier / $50 added cash
2 rounds of 18 holes @ Cass Benton
No Player Pack
Lower Entry Fees
Bigger Payouts
1st place in MA1,MA2,MA3 will all be at least $100
m. cantu November 13 at 7:30pm
Just lost a esp Cicada pink on hole 3 along side the sidewalk if anyone happens to comes across it
Bryan Thomas November 11 at 4:40pm
Lost Custom Dyed Luna with Bottom stamp on Hole 9. Blue/Purple and Pink primary die colors. Has name and phone on it.
Cash for return.
Benjamin Lapham-Solis November 3 at 5:18pm
Lost white hades with bottom stamp on hole 14. Thanks for any help!
Andrew Chappell November 3 at 4:36pm
Lost orange (I know…) zone on 15, left side
Kyle Cser October 21 at 2:11pm
Saturday November 9th - Cass After Dark 3
2 Rounds of 18 holes - one day round, one GLOW round
Round 1
MPO - Mixed Longs
All other divisions - Shorts
Round 2
All divisions play Glow Shorts
Andrew Chappell October 20 at 2:24pm
Lost pink proto McBeth 10 speed ANAX lost on 4, deepish left. Cash or discs for return. Thanks all. Also, there are Honda keys and fob in the practice basket table.
Douglas McIntosh August 24 at 5:22pm
Sunday September 15th
Road Commissioner Classic
PDGA C-tier $50 added cash
2 rounds of 18 holes @ Cass
No player pack
lower entry fee
Bigger payouts
1st place in MA1,MA2MA3 minium $100 merch
Scott Vanderpool August 23 at 5:43pm
Hosting an MVP Circuit Challenge @ Gilbert Willis in Wixom if any one is interested:
Kyle Cser August 1 at 4:50pm
Sunday August 18th
"Cass Me Outside" - Flex Start C Tier at Cass Benton
Tee Times from 9am-4pm
$14 pro division entry
$4 amateur division entry
Player pack items optionally available
Kyle Cser July 8 at 3:02pm
Sunday, July 14th C Tier at Cass Benton. $150 added cash for Pros. 3 berths available (MA1, MA40+, FA division TBD). No player packs for Ams.
Bryan Thomas May 29 at 3:52pm
Lost Yellow James Conrad Wave on 14. No ink but would love to get it back. Also lost a OTB Paradox (Orange plate with Yellow Rim) on 13. thanks!
Jacob Tincknell March 16 at 5:55pm
Lost one half of my hand warmer today 3/16. Please let me know if found.
Looks like this (amazon link to what they look like)
James Chapman March 7, 2024 at 7:16pm
Found a proton Streamline Trace. Not sure what hole since someone else found it and handed it off to me.
chris king March 6, 2024 at 5:31pm
Lost a pink zone on hole 9 I believe right hand side between 9 and 10 fairway. Also lost a pink matrix. Don't remember which hole.
Both discs are inked. Would appreciate them back. If you found them and like them I have others I can give you for returning them.
Thanks ????
Kyle Cser March 1, 2024 at 4:07pm
This Sunday March 3rd, flex start at C Tier. Very few tee times remain available, expecting 95+ players from 10am - 3pm.
Paul Doherty February 26, 2024 at 1:48pm
Lost a glow buzz deep left of the basket on 15
Rob Dahmen February 21, 2024 at 9:56pm
Congratulations to Cass Benton Hills on being selected to Disckhana 2024: Ragnarök.
Hole #15 for the Open division & Hole #18 for the Ladies division.
If you are interested in finding out what Disckhana is, check out the league page!
Douglas McIntosh December 18, 2023 at 8:00pm
This Saturday December 23rd
Sanctioned Singles round
1-18 Long tees
Saturday December 30th
Cassius Benton
PDGA C-tier
(only 23 spots left)
Scott Vanderpool October 1, 2023 at 11:16pm
Lost a Blue Doomsday Blackout on 8 in one of the tree islands and a Red MVP proton Inertia on 17 downhill to left on my drive at Cass Benton yesterday. let me know if you find them. That was a rough loss...