A Kristofer Professor Mickelson Dec 2023 This Seaside course is a monster. If the length and the 10-20MPH winds aren't enough of a challenge, the OB lines and Mandos will keep you flexin. Such a fun flight with my Son Jake Mickelson. Had to hit the 40' Birdy on hole 18 for the win. He had to buy lunch; let's go!
B+ James Lustenader Feb 2023 Wind and OB lines make this a trickier course than you'd think. Combine this with Oaks Course.
B+ Scott Russell Mar 2014 Interesting course. Not as good as The Oaks in my opinion. Course rules and OB determined by roads and old building foundations. Play it before you play The Oaks.
B Jake LaPutka Dec 2012
Only got to play 6 holes because of the tournament, but I saw all the holes to see that this one is definitely in the shadow of the oaks course. Wind made it tough, the last hole (not sure what number ... show more ›
C+ Armando Lopez Jr Nov 2012 Straight forward with minimal obstacles. More difficult in the wind which is normal to have. Usually void of people.
B Patrick Mcnett Mar 2012 Pretty good course nothing special not really worth the drive for me. Still a good course.