A+ Greg Rife May 2021
An outstanding wide-ranging mix of challenginging variables, including many elevation changes. Unrivaled aesthetrics relative to all other Twin Cities courses. Often feels like you are playing in the ... show more ›
A- Evan Hardy Sep 2020
[TLDR: Long course with lots of OB, water, brush, trees and technical shots. Well maintained fun and challenging] Bethel University's course is a a hike playing the long tees and long baskets. To get ... show more ›
B+ Nick Bosovich Aug 2019 Really tough and technical course. Lots of natural OB, water carries, right shots, and a few to open up on. Not a lot of scoring on this cause because of the technicality.
A Sean Hall Sep 2018
Awesome course! Mix of technical and bomber holes, all set in an absolutely beautiful atmosphere. Going for the pro pins on the long tee boxes is quite a challenge. Only complaints as mentioned is tha ... show more ›
A Benjamin McMullen Aug 2018 The new 18 hole layout is incredible. Has the feel of a very high end course, except its free to play. Everything is perfect except the signage is mediocre. Tee pad signs are stapled laminate, and there's no direction to next holes. A small price to pay for such an incredible experience!
B Cory K Feb 2017 Played the new 18 hole layout. All holes played as par 3. Very Windy and Icy. Most tee pads were slick with Ice. A very challenging course. High risk , High reward.