Nick Oliver October 6, 2014 at 5:29am
Pretty damn good turnout, lots of love and smiles. Thank you to everyone who came out. Photos will be uploaded soon so be sure to follow us here and on FB.
Bart Kowalewski October 6, 2014 at 3:40am
Lost a PFN white Destroyer on Hole 3. Took the Hyzer route from the middle pad, came back inbounds, looked like it went into the river behind the hole. Also a red Gstar Destoyer on Hole 5 in the water before the hole.
Derek Tzay October 4, 2014 at 8:54am
Beautiful course. Longs and shorts are two different courses. A
idk, i just kinda threw multiples to see which routs work best for me. more of a practice round to just keep loose
Jeff Bauman October 1, 2014 at 4:21pm
Anyone want to shoot here this morning?
Sorry Andy wasnt checking the posts. Im gonna have to come out friday. Thanks.
It's cool! Just so everyone understands I asked the Director of Belleisle if I could leave the gate open for early birds and even to put a box or pole up front for people to donate. Unfortunately that would not fly with them so we at Detroit Disc golf have to employ the folks that can run it. I ... more
sorry I went to golden rod... still can't wait to check this course out!!
Nick Oliver September 26, 2014 at 2:37am
The course is dry and very nice currently. We anticipate that to be the case from now until the next mega-storm! lol
Nick Oliver September 25, 2014 at 5:39pm
We have a new sister course across the city at Bonnie Brooke. We are proud to know that Detroit has 2 courses now! Who would have thought that to be possible a few years ago.
SO, all you SE Michi discers be sure to check out both courses, and dont forget to come and play in the Battle At The Belle 3 Oct. 5th (and hit the Ace Race on Oct. 4th at Brys!)
Amen, Steve. There are a lot of possibilities that are emerging that could not have happened a few years ago. As the sport grows, and Detroit regains traction as a city people want to spend time in, I can see our courses being blessed in a big way.
Amen, thanks for the shout-out, Nick!! Lots and lots of big things happening in disc golf AND Detroit!! See ya soon.
Scott White September 17, 2014 at 5:19pm
Windsor Essex Disc Golf are holding the first ever DG tournament in Essex County, Canada on Saturday. $20 includes a sweet Discraft custom stamp disc, one morning round on a former ball golf course. Very open and scenic course, 15 min from Detroit-Windsor Tunnel. Big turnout hoped for trying to show the town this great sport and looking to make this a location for a permanent course. We could use all the support we can get from our Michigan friends.
Try to get our Canadian Friends to join the fun at the Battle at the Belle 3 on Oct.5. So far the notion of a Battle has been indefinite. Here's a thought that brings some definition, where the tournament takes on an international form. (not unlike the CanAm tournaments that were held in the 19 ... more
Eric McCahill September 15, 2014 at 3:47am
***Don't wait too long to sign up for Brys Park Ace Race 4 on Oct. 4th!!*** (the day before Battle at the Belle 3!!)
We need 150 players for our Super Event Chainstar basket and Ace Race is only 3 weeks away!! We're currently at 79 players, so if you know you're gonna be there, get registered ASAP!! We have to place our initial order for player packs on the 22nd, so the more players we have paid by then, the better. It's really easy to register with a credit card online us ...
15% off all Disc Golf Store items at Ace Race!! - discs, hats, t-shirts, etc!! Right there at the park!!
Jeff Novak September 9, 2014 at 11:42pm
Lost a pink Force on #10. Cash reward.
Mark Kassabian September 9, 2014 at 8:00pm
I left behind an orange firebird a few days ago my name and number is on it 2482380032 cash reward
Joey "ThaSicknaz" Gulyas September 1, 2014 at 8:03pm
Yellow 10 yr buzzz got kicked off a tree halfway down the tunnel shot into the h2o. Small smiley face on bottom
Jeff Novak August 31, 2014 at 4:40am
Lost an orange star Katana on #13 today on the left side of the fairway.
Luke Holtzapple August 29, 2014 at 5:35pm
So when is this course opem. From the comments a lot of people have showed up to find it closed. I am behind on the times but would love to play the course. Baskets?
Grooming the course every week. It in excellent condition and worth every cent of the $4 charge. For a extra dollar they even supply a pop and a all bag of chips
I don't see anything wrong with asking a couple questions before driving a hour to play it.
Jason Adamski August 28, 2014 at 6:42pm
Night Moose League today, tee at 4. Everyone welcome.
Get a few pics of the crew out there tossing if you would. In fact anyone who can take pics please do. Love to share them. You can post them here, on FB, or text me.
Jason Adamski August 26, 2014 at 6:57pm
Wondering if I could move our Thursday league to Belle Isle this week. Bugs are bad at Willow and we would like to come out there. Probably 4-5 tee time.
Yesterday was nasty. Gallinipper (Giant) mosuitoes were out there as well. Should have seen the blood that came out of the one i squished.
Everywhere this year has been bad though. Not trying to knock on the course. :)
With all the rain the last few weeks, even my backyard, with two bug zappers, is filled with bugs. That being said, Willow is usually buggier than most places in the summer.
Neil Lobocki August 25, 2014 at 3:32pm
Hi Did anyone have a chance to dredge out the river by the yellow bridge for discs? Reward if you get my First Run Suspect. Thanks!
Not something we do often but I'll definitely keep an eye out and we're calling anyone whose discs are found and returned to the clubhouse.
Jeff Novak August 19, 2014 at 12:39am
Lost a white dx Cobra on 10 and a tie dye championKatana on 14. Name and number on both. Reward for their return.
jeff johnson August 16, 2014 at 6:29pm
What time does the course open on sunday?
Look below a few lines. Sunday will be open pretty early I bet. Wish I could make it. I'm sure all are welcome to join the fun.
All I see is information about a league round. Unfortunately that doesn't answer my question. Will rec players be allowed while
I read the notice about the Canadian league coming as an invitation to all USA players to join in as a "welcoming" group. Remember Disc golf knows no borders and players of all ability play on common ground (literally) ;)
doug granby August 16, 2014 at 8:52am
Coming out tomorrow just wanted to make sure someone is going to be out there
Andrew LaCross August 14, 2014 at 2:55am
Does anyone want to throw here tomorrow morning around 10?????
How'd you shoot?