C- Brendan Merna Aug 2021 Solid course. Pars were a bit wonky.
C+ Michael Galligano Dec 2020
The design of this course is great. Players should check these things before going. 1) Rained in the past week. This course gets flooded all the time. 2) Wind: Always windy. Calm for Beaver Island ... show more ›
B- Jessica Weaver Aug 2019
First time ever playing. Well populated area but others were friendly or kept to themselves. Had a young guest with me so we did an abridged game to test it out. Due to all the rain a little swampy. C ... show more ›
B+ Mike Hulle Oct 2016 Really liked this one
A+ Lauren K Aug 2016
This course is my favorite in the wny area. Open shots and some in the woods. Many out of bounds to avoid nesting birds. From Memorial day to labor day there is a fee of $7 to enter the park. If you g ... show more ›
A John OKeefe Jun 2016 Great course. Some challenging holes. Big park at Beaver Island allows the course to be away from most picnic areas. Some challenging holes. Great tee pads and well marked. Bugs are crazy annoying later afternoon in the summer though, so be ready.
A- Michael Walline Jun 2016 Groomed beautifully. Wind is an issue closer to the water, but it's part of the game. A great course to practice longer throws. Watch out for poison ivy if you throw into the brush.
A John Marranca Jr Oct 2015 I played this course for the first time on 10/26/2015 alone, and I loved it. Some holes are Par 5, that honestly shouldn't be. Fun when it's dry, but can be a little muddy.
C Floyd Sherrod May 2015 Mostly open course with clear paths and uninteresting choices. Par signs need updating as they are too high for many holes.
A Todd Lee Nov 2013
Course plays as a "different" type course almost everytime you play it...WITHOUT GIMMICKS! Challenges include wind (breeze frome the east off of the Niagara River can be a challenge), elevation, trees ... show more ›
A- Kevin McIntosh Aug 2013
It's a pretty long course with mostly open holes, great for developing your long arm. Not too much variety, like tight and technical shots. Grass was cut nice and short, well maintained fairways. Good ... show more ›
A Adam Woodward Apr 2012 Well kept, great view, good variety
B- Darren Gollon Aug 2011 The new sledding hill being built in the middle of the course has made things muddy. Really windy being next to the river. A few challenging holes mixed in with wide open straight holes.