A wil boyes May 2013 sweet dude!!
A Kelly Muth Nov 2011 Great (private) course. Variety of shots and obstacles. Good for all skill levels, and even the occasional barnyard animal to join the round. Well maintained, and some successful tournaments in the past.
A+ Quincy Oswald Nov 2011
I don't reqard myself as a highly skilled player, but I know a wonderful course when I see one. I had the absolute pleasure of embarking upon a game of disc on the famed "Barnyard" course, and boy oh ... show more ›
A- Aaron McKenna Nov 2011 This course has a good variety of shots for lefties and righties. Pretty short, but very well maintained.
A+ Jenelle K Nov 2011
One of my favorite courses! I like the holes that are open and unobstructed to see just how far I can really throw, but then there's holes that are in the trees which add to the challenge. Since the ... show more ›
A Will Brown Mar 2011 Instant Classic. As previously mentioned front 9 well established and well designed; back 9 not quite as polished. Course is set in the beautiful mendo countryside. The oak trees on the course add some obstacles and definitely character.
A Joseph Easterbrook Apr 2011
Well not to be bias, but this course is awesome. It has a good mix of open-ish fields, tree heavy holes, beautiful scenery, and on the back fun elevation change (9 baskets, 9 tones). Email me at Joe ... show more ›