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Paul Grice January 31, 2023 at 12:05pm
The Disc Golf of Georgia COURSE / CLUB OF THE WEEK from Disc Golf Scene is Alexander Park, Lawrenceville, Georgia!
Here's how it works (optional) - I am asking Alexander Park to post and comment about their city, county, club, courses and members - in Disc Golf of Georgia facebook group! Also to post pics and videos etc. Of course if you are not a member (please join) but have played disc golf there please post or comment.
The Disc Golf of Georgia COURSE/ CLUB OF THE WEEK is Alexande ...
Paul Grice September 6, 2022 at 9:47pm
The Disc Golf of Georgia CLUB OF THE WEEK from Disc Golf Scene is BYOP @ Alex.
Here's how it works (optional) - I am asking BYOP @ Alex to post and comment about their city, county, club, courses and members - in Disc Golf of Georgia facebook group! Also to post pics and videos etc. Of course if you are not a member but have played disc golf there please post or comment.
The Disc Golf of Georgia club of the week is BYOP @ Alex.
Be sure to register for their upcoming events / tournaments. ...
Paul Grice July 13, 2022 at 11:17am
The Disc Golf of Georgia CLUB OF THE WEEK from Disc Golf Scene is Eastside Bag Tag.
Here's how it works - I am asking Eastside Bag Tag to post and comment about their city, county, club, courses and members
- on Disc Golf of Georgia facebook group! Also to post pics and videos etc. Of course if you are not a member but have played disc
golf there please post or comment.
The Disc Golf of Georgia club of the week is Eastside Bag Tag.
Be sure to register for their upcoming events / ...
Paul Grice June 24, 2022 at 11:06am
The Disc Golf of Georgia CLUB OF THE WEEK from Disc Golf Scene is Get Medieval Disc Golf.
Here's how it works - I am asking Get Medieval Disc Golf to post and comment about their city, county, club, courses and members - on Disc Golf of Georgia facebook group! Also to post pics and videos etc. Of course if you are not a member but have played disc golf there please post or comment.
The Disc Golf of Georgia club of the week is Get Medieval Disc Golf.
Be sure to register for their up ...
Paul Grice March 11, 2022 at 12:59pm
The Disc Golf of Georgia CLUB OF THE WEEK from Disc Golf Scene is Northsiders.
Here's how it works - I am asking Northsiders to post and comment about their city, county, club, courses and members - on Disc Golf of Georgia facebook group! Also to post pics and videos etc. Of course if you are not a member but have played disc golf there please post or comment.
The Disc Golf of Georgia club of the week is Northsiders.
Be sure to register for their upcoming events / tournaments. Also invit ...
Joshua Roblee April 16, 2019 at 2:06am
Is there a club that has regular weekly events at the park? Or a POC for a course regular? I have a family member I want to send to the course but she has never played before and may need some simple pointers. Preferably female type.
Gene M March 23, 2018 at 9:43pm
Note: due to construction the dirt parking lot is closed and the walking path that leads to the 1sr tee is blocked. You must park up near the restrooms/play ground and walk around the pond and backtrack to the 1st tee.j
I played on March 28th, and the whole course was fine. Info on Alexander Park Phase 2: http://www.gwinnettdailypost.com/local/gwinnett-commissioners-ok-contract-for-alexander-park-phase-ii-construction/article_03a90d7b-c349-5df4-ba02-65fc9c5ab123.html
Even better... ran across the master plan PDF, which shows you where things will be when they're done!: https://www.gwinnettcounty.com/static/departments/parks_rec/pdf/AlexanderParkMP.pdf
Michael Stuart August 12, 2016 at 2:53pm
Just fyi - I submitted a request to the company that makes Pokemon Go, to attempt to get the game out of the south part of this park. Someone in our group came close to hitting a girl just wandering in the woods playing that game (along with a dozen other kids we saw). Who knows if the request will just get ignored, but thought I would at least try. Someone could get seriously injured. We had to keep asking them to get out of the way, but sometimes they completely ignore you.
Wayne Russell August 10, 2010 at 12:49am
Does anyone have any pictures from the Aerial Armada on August 7? If so, let me know if you would like them to be included in a slide show I am making.
the only thing i have heard about Alexander park is that dubs (doubles) is played there i think each Saturday at 9 or 10 am! In regards to female tpe pointers Id recommend you go on facebook and join the group Atlanta Womens disc golf!