Cascade Township Park
Cascade Township, MI · 1 course · 18 holes

No teepads, no signage. They do have a map posted at the pavilion, you will NEED to take a picture of it or you will have no idea where the next teepad is. Holes were a decent challenge for newer pl ...
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Played the old course and like it. This course is decent too I think. I like the addition of woods holes, even if they are short. I have gotten much better at my putter drives because of it. If yo ...
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Just played the redesigned course, and have to admit I am thoroughly disappointed. The front nine has no flow, the walk between #3 and #4 is a hike, and there is no continuity whatsoever. The back n ...
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Loved the old layout, especially compared to this tragedy. The holes don't flow together (big gaps between some) making it hard to navigate. Since the field south of the tennis courts are usually rent ...
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Course is now twice as easy. Longest hole is around 370ft... before they had several that were 450ft+ so its a bummer you can't rip it anymore. The tee pads for the first 5 holes are about 250ft apart ...
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Not a terrible course, just not one that I go to frequently. I'll get my fill if I play it once or twice a year.
Long distance holes, allows you to work on your driving.
Very lou ...
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Front section of course: What the hell is this? Made slightly more difficult by playing asphalt as a river, but seriously...what the hell? Play hole, walk back upstream, play hole (that at least attem ...
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After the redesign, a lot of the holes have been shortened up and a few wooded holes have been added. The redesign isn't a complete failure, however, navigating the first 5 or 6 holes is pretty bad. T ...
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Ok course good for beginners or nice break from the woods. Better be warmed up pn hole 1 because you are throwing 360' right at a parking lot.Tee pads are slippery dirt signage is pretty bad but cours ...
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Pretty decent course. Mostly wide open 300-400 ft. drives to air your arm out on, some with elevation coming into play. A few holes around 200 ft. or less.
Course seemed pretty well-maintained. Fai ...
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I can only wonder if this redesign was the product of a wager, based on the statement, "I bet you can't make a worse design than the first layout." Well, if my speculation is correct they have succee ...
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This is NOT a good course. This is the course you play if your within 10 minutes of it and your in a hurry to get a game in. For me, sadly, it's right on my way home from work. First, the course is ...
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Very enjoyable CLEAN course... its starts off with a fun nature walk along the highway with the front nine with no hole over 250ft with little obstacle... then it flips that nice nature walk upside do ...
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This course is very open, allowing lots of different, viable shot options per hole. With six holes over 400 feet, you can really let it rip! Grass (or more accurately, dirt) tee pads are a big buzz ki ...
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The new set up not to bad . I might talk to them about doing a 180 on Hole 1 .It would make the flow & walk to # 2 less confusing ( especially for 1st timers ). Other wise its nice to see some ho ...
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long, open course that plays through and around a township park that is used for a lot of other activities. so soccer fields, baseball diamonds, parking lots, sidewalks, and playgrounds are all in pla ...
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Mostly all open with mature trees and some distance. Wind really plays a factor here. There are some nice elevation shots that are fun and get to test your arm and accuracy with wind at the same tim ...
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it is a great course, not lot of people during the week, and it has a lot of elevation change and it has open area so you can really see how your throw is. the only two down falls are; not having tee ...
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(-) Bad tee boxes/ placements, busy during the summer