B+ Tom Wagner Jun 2021 Fun short technical and wooded course. The trees are the only real challenge, but a legitimate challenge indeed.
B Joe Castaneda Aug 2020
I’m not sure why this Cadillac course isn’t talked about more in our area, because it is a great place to shoot a round of disc golf. There is a shorter nine hole course across the street right on ... show more ›
B Jim Jean Jun 2019 Good technical course. Mostly easy to navigate.
B Eric "Downtown" Brown Jul 2018 Detailed write up to follow. Big Thanks to Mike "Old Stump" on being my tour guide tonight. The company you keep, has a big influence on your disc golf experience.
B Paul DISC-OR-DIE Holstein May 2018 Played this course in 2008 when I was up in Cadillac camping. Trying to track all the courses that I played through the DGS reviews. Hopefully I can get back to this one again sometime soon, it was a solid B but at the right time of year it could be really beautiful on this course.
C Becci Brewster Sep 2016
We played Beachside - Holes were VERY Short, so short that it was hard to figure out which basket went with the hole. We had our kids, so it was perfect for us, but we were a bit disappointed that we ... show more ›
B Brian Hyzertron Crouch Jun 2016 Sweet technical course in the woods. Only a couple holes over 300 but they make you hit some tight lines if you wanna get it to the bucket. I'll definitely come back and play it if I'm in the area
B Chad Cole Jun 2016 Fun little course. Nothing over 300, and pretty straight shots for every hole. Wooded to give it a bit of difficulty, but nothing to challenging.
B- Kevin Gillhespy Apr 2016 Have afew key trees cut out and this course could get a better grade instantly, hole 11 was nonsense but all around pretty fun also every hole was under 300ft.
C+ Phil Britton Oct 2015 Had a hard time finding our way through this. The holes were OK, and were pretty technical, but by the end it felt kind of monotonous.
B+ Jamie Vincent Jul 2015
This could be my new favorite course, it plays perfect for my game. Lots of mid range shots, with most holes from 200 to 270 feet. hit your gaps and shred this course. It was smaller cement teepads an ... show more ›
A- Rodney L Jun 2015 I really like this layout. Nothing longer than 300 ft but you better bring every shot you've got. Very technical and lots of trees. There are some holes without distance markers and a few that you may need to walk halfway to the basket to find the line.
B- James Duvall Aug 2014 Short and sweet. Some holes have a bunch of trees all over, and then some are straight shots to the basket. Hardly any over 300 feet. Can be played with a stable midrange and putter. Worth playing if you're in Cadillac.
C- Bryan Murphy May 2014 lets put it this way. If i ever come back to Cadillac to play disc golf im #1 going to go to diggins hill or #2 going to play the 9 hole par 2 course on the lake. do yourself a favor and skip this one n go to diggins
A Aaron Anderson Apr 2014
This is one of my home courses, I learned the game here so for me it is always a great time. Its almost completely flat but the trees will punish you if you get off the fairway. Plenty of baskets to t ... show more ›
A- Josh Henry Mar 2014 Lots of snow still but one of my favorites
B+ Corey Kieft Nov 2013 Nice course.
B Forrest Omland Aug 2013
Great little short course packed into a lakeside park (fun for practice or warmup) with main course just across the road. Lots of trees but very playable with pretty good lanes and really good tee pa ... show more ›
B Rob McGregor Jul 2012 Decent par 3 course with some pin-ball approaches, most are straight shots from the T-pad. Wide fairways, wooded, and shady; good place to be on a hot day. Very buggy, though!
C+ Foster Neill Apr 29
The holes are very short and there's not much variety - mostly straight, between 200-300 and various amounts of trees as obsticles. It's fairly pretty, but all pines. There's one hole that is actually ... show more ›
A- Michael Elmore Oct 2014 home course. new back 6 (7r thru 12r
A+ levi hicks Dec 2011 home course
A- Duncan Gervin Apr 29 Got chased through by mosqutios but I loved what I saw at the course.
B+ Spencer Bowers Jul 2011 Short and tight, technical for sure. Not much for big throws. You just need to throw easy off the tee and birdies will happen often.
A Tyler Ross Jul 2011 Great course! Really broken in and set up good.
B mike rau May 2011 Short holes which are good for me.
B- Nick Letts Jun 2011 Very fun course, if you like trees. The new holes add a little challenge. Nice scenery with the lake across the road.
C Kyle Mihatsch - Highland Groves DGC Feb 2021
This is the definition of a technical course. Very very wooded and tight shots. Your favorite putter and roc are all you need here. The new holes are very challenging and a few of them are not possibl ... show more ›
B- Cal Benke Apr 2011 Now 24 holes with 6 shiny new baskets and cement tee pads.
You like trees, don't you? Maybe a 2 on R-7 Get a 2 on R-8&9.
Enjoy the view on 10. Get a par. Laugh on 11 & 12. Try to get a 3.
Now-B. Will work on it. Go out and get some tree air.