A+ Chad Sullivan May 2021
Splinter City DGC is an amazing disc golf property. The shorter Blue tees offer a fun, scorable, and easy going round for all skills. The Gold tees are a whole different animal! Offering a challenging ... show more ›
A Ryan Lile May 2021
Great course. Lots of variation and challenge. Its a different beast from both sets of tee pads. The "shorts" are not just super easy short versions of the long holes. They often have different lines ... show more ›
A- Nick Bosovich May 2021 Fun course in Myrtle Beach, course had good flow, nice variation of open/wooded, long/short holes. Last hole was really wet, looked new like it was just carved out of the woods...
A Matt Peckham May 2021
this course will introduce more people to the sport than any in recent memory. It's in a great spot at a year round tourist city, and it is going to be one of very few free activities available in to ... show more ›