B William Nesbitt Mar 2021 Long course!! And wind can change bc all the rolling hills. Good course to check your ego!!
B+ Travis Anderson Feb 2021 Course is in great shape since the redesign in 2020, with more improvements coming. Worth your time if you're in the area.
A Joshua Stewart Feb 2021 Since the new tee pads went in, they cut it down to 18, and cleared out all the brush with a bushhog, this place has been my absolute favorite in the area. Great mix of everything.
D Bret Ebaugh Apr 2019
If you're going to play here, bring some pruning clippers and help groom this place (only in the vicinity of your shot) because you will be in the brush. I lost a Fairway driver yesterday (rats) brand ... show more ›
C- Timothy Martin Jan 2015
This course has 24 holes total. With some baskets in the open and some in the woods. It has one water hole. The signs are really detailed on where the basket is but there are a few missing baskets.Thi ... show more ›
B+ William True Mar 2014 Great Mix Of precision and distance. Alot of work has been done since fall of 2013. A must play in the area.