A Chris Oliver Mar 2021 Hole signs were facing the wrong way on a lot of holes, made it a bit confusing.
A Steve Wilkins Jul 2019 Very nice course. As is the case with most, it was a little confusing going from basket to next tee and sometimes from tee to the basket for the first time playing here. Better signage would be great. It is a beautiful park and I really liked this course
B Todd Bryant Dec 2016
Nice course. Very scorable. The tee pads are too small. That's a hindrance on a few holes when you really want to crank one up. Two holes in the woods are still full of trees and are tough to find ... show more ›
A- Chris Nixon Aug 2014 Nice course maintenance by the state park. Most of the holes are between 220-300 ft.
There are obstacles but not overly challenging