42 ratings · B+ average


Southeast · Reviews

B Jordan Mardis Apr 30
Manicured park with many pedestrians in the heart of downtown Boise, my home course where I learned to throw into wide open spaces without penalty. Unfortunately this course is a negative for local ... show more ›
B+ Mike Giessuebel Nov 2021 I enjoyed playing there, not being from Idaho, it was a nice course to add to my list of courses played
A+ Bryce Miller Jan 2020 Great open course to learn the most common shots and lines in disc golf. Course difficulty varies through the spring and summer but remains in short pin settings through the Winter.
B Mark Bohn Sep 2017 Fun course in huge grass park setting with fair ampunt of trees and a chnnel style creek
C+ Alex F Oct 2021 Lots of mud and dead grass, combined with hundreds of piles of geese feces makes for a nasty course
A Alexander Duffy Apr 2017 Fun course to play. Variety of shots.
B Myles G Jun 2014 It is definitely a nice course to play on. Above average for a course park. It has a few challenging holes, and a few holes that are a longer distance, around 450 feet.
B+ Kyle Fleming Mar 2014 a nice 20 hole course, with a nice lay out on each hole. water hazards are a fun thing to get in your way.. good chance to get an ace on a few holes.
B+ Paul Schaufele Aug 2013
Pros: Good variety of hole lengths and obstacles, Up to 6 different basket locations on some holes, well maintained park setting. Cons: Very crowded unless you play at sunrise, lots of duck/goose ... show more ›
A Taylor Thornton Jun 2013 Great 20 hole course. Some long holes, some short holes. Lightly wooded with water on at least half the holes. Beer CANS are ok. Lots of fun coming out to Ann Morrison Park. My favorite Idaho DGC
B Dru Stylez Apr 2013 Mmmmm, When you live in the Portland OR area... It's hard to expect everywhere to be the same/ best. When you've Played Milo, everything this else will be held to that bar. This is not a bad course at all, Simply needs improvements... Better Flow and Signs.
B+ Todd Durrant Nov 2012
This is a nice course in a well groomed park. Though there is not an over-abundance of obstacles, there are enough to make some holes quite interesting. There are some very long distances for a guy ... show more ›
B+ PS Perkins Sep 2012 Crowds. Chuckers. Geese. Some very fun holes in a well manicured beautiful park. Lots of water. Best have a retriever with you. multiple pin placements keep it fresh.
B Jacob Wardell Sep 2012 Solid course, would be better if it were more technical. Nice and long.
A- John May Aug 2012 A big, mostly flat, mostly open, course running along the side of a very well maintained city park. Good use of the water and trees to make interesting holes. However, it can get quite crowded.
B Jake LaPutka Jun 2012 TOO CROWDED couldn't even finish my round when I went up there ): Good use of water but I could definitely see it getting very old if you keep throwing in it. Bring a towel to get the duck/goose poop off your discs. Pretty fun course though I will be back
A- Taloula Louise Jun 2011 Ann Mo is a great park aside from the congestion of people. Boise needs another disc golf park. I'm just sayin'.
C Ryan Ranes Sep 2012 a okay course, need to stay on fairways lots of water throughout the hole course very tough
A Travis Lindstrom Mar 2011 Challenging, multiple mando shots, islands and lots of ob.
C Shane McBane Hudspeth Jan 2011 Holy Duck Shit!!!
A Steve Loyd Sep 2011 Ann mo is a must see course. manicured every hole and almost every hole has out of bounds,. Very nice