Brandy Springs Park
Mercer, PA · 1 course · 6 holes

This is a fun little course that doesn't get the play or attention it deserves due to the fantastic courses in the area. Every time I play this course I find myself wanting to play it more. It is chal ...
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Brandy Springs is a fantastic technical course. Many might dismiss this course without playing it just because it is "only a 9 hole course," but that would be a mistake. The course has you spending ...
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The well thought-out design makes for a challenging course that is a true pleasure to play.
When finished,i.e.,teepads and signs etc., It will surely deserve an A rating.

This course is brand spanking new. I will withhold my suggested rating for now, as there are a lot of moving parts to finish up this course, but I gotta say, this is a different course than any you'l ...
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