Tee pads are 4 foot by 8 foot wooden frames half filled with sand. The soft sand proves difficult but fair. First 4 holes are shorter and get you warmed up for the next 5. The soft sand in the tee pad ...
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Tee pads are 4 foot by 8 foot wooden frames half filled with sand. The soft sand proves difficult but fair. First 4 holes are shorter and get you warmed up for the next 5. The soft sand in the tee pads makes it hard to get torque on the tee shot on these longer holes 5 thru 9. The tee signs are mounted to tee boxes and will get in the way on some types of run up tee shots. Good elevation changes and great locations of baskets tightly placed amongst trees. Trails lined with rocks are awesome. Views are spectacular. Course is shared with other trails. I have seen a few walkers and joggers in and around the course on the criss crossing trails. I have played 8 times so far best score was 2 under and had a 3 over once. I am averaging between par and -1 per round so far as a 903 PDGA rated player. Very cool course I love it. Thank you SJCHHPC!