Devens DGC
Devens, MA · 4 courses · 54 holes

Devens Rec has received complaints about golfers using the soccer fields to warm up. That is not allowed. Please stay off and let others know.
From Devens Rec: "... at no time are the field(s) ...
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May 9, 2011
I've put in short tees on most holes at Devens. Still tweaking a few, but for the most part they are final. Great for newer players, kids, and ladies. Not too easy or close and still a bit of a challe ...
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Jun 9, 2010
I brought a Devens custom roc to Trophy Lakes S.C. and
used if for a CTP prize!
The course is not your ashtray! Apr 27, 2010
Show the Hill some love! Get a custom Devens Aviar driver, Roc or long sleeve shirt! We don't receive any town funding to operate the course and are dependent on you to help pay our yearly insurance b ...
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Apr 24, 2010