C David Chernati Nov 2020 1. Very close quarters. Many of the holes seem to overlap, leaving people on tee pads vulnerable to stray discs.
2. Some of the course markers are warn, without hole maps.
3. Difficult to follow the course without the UDisc map.
B- Jim D. Aug 2019
This is a nice course. It's right on the edge of Greenwood lake and has some very nicely maintained holes. You can tell they are doing a lot of maintenance to make the course more playable. That said, ... show more ›
C- Robert Michaud Aug 2017 muddy/dirt tee pads and a tad overgrown
A- Lance Philip May 2015
I really enjoyed this course. First off it was very clean and all the signs were in place. The layout is a bit tight and the tees can be a bit confusing the first time it is played. We had an experien ... show more ›
B- Justin W Morgan Aug 2014 Small compact course. Good for a beginner. Fun course
C+ mr nolan Aug 2014 real tight. lots of trash. lot of people on fairways and around baskets, just hanging out, not giving a fuck
B+ Corey Stahl May 2013 It's a heck of a tight course. Really short, but still very challenging; especially with those older baskets
B Patrick Chin Nov 2010 Some holes are really hard to find without a map. Also, a lot of the holes overlap, so if there's a lot of people playing rounds, there'll be a lot of waiting.

I don't like how some of the holes are played so close to the lake. I lost one of my new discs. :(