A+ Larry Muscarella Aug 28 The more I play this course the more I like it.
B+ Tom Wagner Nov 2022
Nice lakeside park course on an old ball golf course. Most holes are on the short side with a few loger holes on the back 9. The drainage ditch and walking path throughout the course are the only haza ... show more ›
A connor rumfeldt Aug 2020 Great course right on Lake St. Clair!! Easy to navigate and good challenge!
A+ Brendan Livingston May 2022
Much needed disc golf course in a great area. Hop over the bridge from Detroit and head north through Windsor on the Water front road and you'll get to Lakewood in 15/20 minutes. Great beginner cour ... show more ›
B Daniel Erb Jul 17 This was my first round of disc golf ever so this is my baseline for all courses. Seems very well laid our and groomed to my expectations.

Thanks for the great course!
A Tim Griffin Jun 2021
Beautifully designed course! Nice brand new tee pads and baskets. Great use of elevation where it exists. Very challenging in windy conditions. The one downside is there are no public washrooms on ... show more ›
A DJ Rose Mar 2023 Course was great for beginners and basket placement was awesome. Lots of room to work on different flight paths!
A- Scott White Jul 17 Fun to play. Not the most challenging, however not at all easy either. Kind of a throw-back course in that just about every hole can be 2'd, with one par 4. Seems to have a pretty good replay value as evidenced by Ron Hebert who plays it almost every day.
A Ryan Hughes Nov 2022 Very well laid out. Really using the elevation, wherever it may be. Amazing Mach III baskets. The concrete tee pads are a proper 5' x 12' and super grippy. #8 is a nice sweeping 130ft par 2 for advanced players. Makes it more challenging. And, the 550ft monster #15 is nice, too.
A- Jeff Kennah Jul 17 An old ball golf course turned into a disc golf course. Very flat layout but hazard trees are everywhere. Accuracy and driving distance are a must. A very nice layout and a good flow from hole to hole. Amateur friendly. Concrete tee pads are perfect. Always windy as it is right on Lake St. Claire.