B+ Chris Pixley Aug 29 Still my hometown course. Love this course to death. Very technical with a few open throws. This course will challenge everyone but is always fun. Usually low traffic so never a problem if you just want to blast through 18 on your day off.
B- Bob Testa Jun 2017
COURSE HAS BEEN UPDATED!! Signage has been added to all holes and lots of directional arrows added. Anyone should be able to follow the 18 hole layout. There are some great holes on this course, wh ... show more ›
B The Rooster Oct 2022 Design is not great, but not terrible either. All new paver tee pads & signs have really spruced up the course very nicely. A lot of great volunteer work, kudos to all of you.
A- Dennis MacCallum Sep 2014 My favorite course. Great layout. Great for All player levels, course I first started on in April. Requires alittle finesse on some of the holes, but definitely designed to be a challenge. They are still in the process of getting signage in place on the newer holes. Great place to go!!!
C Sean Vaillancourt Aug 2014 Liked the front half. Very hard to follow the last holes, no signs, or arrows.
B- Richard Hamel Aug 2014
Played Wilton for the first time yesterday. The course is very easy to find. As you drive up School Road a small kiosk is on the left and the teepad for hole# 1 is right behind it. The parking lot is ... show more ›
A+ Huk Holt May 2014 Im Mark Holt, cant grade it less. Come check it out and give us feedback. This course was designed to be challenging, so if its hard, get better. Big Love to the SVDG crew
A- Mat Ladroga May 2014 down to 3 holes left! with hard work this week, we should be playing all 18 Saturday.
B+ Noah Proctor Jun 2014
Course is coming togther nicely. Nearing completion of all 18 holes. Saturday league is in full swing and growing every week- a great local course close to home. Please respect the school polices and ... show more ›
D- Tim Kimball Mar 2014 Ice and snow is outa hand!