
Memorial Park

Wadsworth, OH · 1 course · 18 holes

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Dave Bussey A fellow discgolfer found a disc and gave it to me thinking i would have a good chance of finding the owner. It only has K. Jarvis on it. Anyone now this individual? Jun 16, 2022
kevin whitlock Can anyone put me in touch with whomever rubs this course? I would be looking to sponsor a tee pad. Mar 3, 2022
Paul King Mar 3, 2022 Here is a link to it's Facebook Group:
Paul King Mar 3, 2022 The people who seem to be in charge are Wylie Gray and Spencer Jones.
Justin Conway I have heard that the city has given final approval for this to be an 18 hole course very soon! Congratulations! Please let me know if there is going to be a work day for installing signage and baskets to complete the course, and I will do what I can to be there and help out! Very excited! Oct 20, 2021
Chad Moutes Oct 20, 2021 Can’t wait for this!
Justin Conway
The course is playable again! I played nine holes here yesterday (July 13, 2021) and actually had fun! There is definitely work still to be done, but I know there are some people volunteering again, ... show more ›
Jul 14, 2021
Dave Ernst 50/50 tournament to raise the money for the last nine baskets at Portage Lakes Disc Golf Course. Come give back to one of the free course ... show more ›
Oct 12, 2017
Kevin Hitch Registration for The 5th Annual Ace Race, being held THIS COMING SATURDAY, October 15, at 10am, is open still! LIMITED SPOTS REMAINING.

Oct 9, 2016
Don Thomas We're only one day away from the RosGLO BYOP Doubles tournament! 100% goes to payouts and $5 Ace (CTP if no one hits). Bring a friend and have a blast!

More info and registration -
Oct 15, 2015
Kevin Hitch Registration for The 4th Annual Ace Race, being held Saturday August 22 at 2pm, ends THIS SUNDAY, AUGUST 6.


Aug 7, 2015
brett m Thanks to Kevin Hitch for putting on an awesome Ace Race today. The boys and I had a blast.
Aug 23, 2014
Kevin Hitch
I have about 6 openings still available for the Wadsworth Ace Race. If you are interested, you can register online. The packages should be arriving today. Also, people are welcome to get an additio ... show more ›
Aug 15, 2014
Don Thomas I lost my Red/Red Neutron Alias in the water on hole 6. It has my name and number on it, if found please LMK. Thanks!! Jul 24, 2014
Don Thomas Jul 25, 2014 Thanks for looking!
Mitch G
Glow will be starting up again at Wingfoot on the 24th of March, 8 o'clock start time with 5$ buy in and 1$ optional ace fund. We will be playing from short tees and ace fund is at 25$ All baskets will have lights installed 24/7.
Mar 14, 2014
Isaac Lilly Hey, I managed to park my brother's glo stalker on the ice just off of 6 yesterday... If anyone gets ahold of it please let me know. It has a completely wiped stamp and zero ink. Dec 29, 2013
Jay Kovach Nov 11, 2013
brett m no bird. but what else have you lost? Jun 15, 2013
Isaac Lilly Jun 14, 2013 2 ace races from last year (the zombee). A white beast. An orange destroyer dx.
Isaac Lilly I now have a plethora of discs awaiting retrieval at the bottom of the pond... not all my fault, and a few belong to friends. One unmarked one is a pink champion teebird. I'd love to restock my bag if anyone goes fishing for some plastic. Jun 12, 2013
Mitch G A reminder that Wingfoot glow league starts on Monday Night. We will begin throwing at about 8:30!! 5 dollars gets you in, 1$ ACE fund, and we will have other prizes if we get a good turnout. May 3, 2013
Kevin Hitch I've added a "Wadsworth Disc Golf" Club Page to Disc Golf Scene. Come check it out!
Nov 7, 2012
Kevin Hitch
For those who are interested and able, on Saturday morning a couple of us will be working on course cleanup and some brush clearing for some new tees (in particular, a long tee for hole 2). We will be ... show more ›
Oct 26, 2012
michael giron put up some signs! i spent an hour and a half just trying to find the course,, you know, some colored tape showing the way to the next tee would do wonders. never ever found hole 8,, course has a lot of potential to be nice but it has some serious competition nearby. Aug 13, 2012
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