A Eric Guenterberg Jan 2022 My favorite course to play, great park with fun holes in the open and in the woods. Free to play as well.
B+ Adam Lemmer Jul 2021 Teepads are good, basket locations are adequate. Drop zones could be better identified. Long walk for the course. Overall technical holes mixed with open holes makes for a good challenge for most skill levels.
A Grant Harris Jul 2019 I really like this course except that I wish they had short and long tee pads on every hole. I like the mix of open prairie and wooded holes. There were no drastic elevation changes except on hole 1 but the fairway of some holes was hilly. The tee pads and baskets were nice.
C Tyler Webb Sep 2015 I liked that there was a change up on difficulty and having to shoot over the river. The things i dont like is the ammount of vandalism that goes on there. I would love to see riverside become a pay to play!
C- cam r Oct 2022
They threw a lot of money at this course and it looks presentable, but it gets old quick, I feel like I walked a marathon every time I play it not the best set up.it's really easy to loose a disc on t ... show more ›
A Jamie Vincent May 2014 Huge teepads with benches and signs on everyhole..Well kept course with the river coming into play on a few holes..would definetly play this course lots of times.
B+ Nathan Smith Apr 2014 Awesome course with a great variety of holes. Short, long, wooded, lightly wooded, open, etc.
A Bee Yang Nov 2013 Great course with long open bombers and tight wooded holes. Nice benches on most of the holes. All long tees are cement.
A- Brian Lorch May 2013 Excellent course! It just need to be finished with tee pads. I love a challenge, it has everything you'd need in a cool, challenging course... elevation, water, and trees!
B Ryan Fenton May 2019 needs work, some bad tees, some holes have long and short others only short. It has been like that for years now.
A- Donny Ferguson Aug 2013 Finally all teepads are in!
A- Jeff Doebert May 2012 Great course with challenging holes. Changes in elevation, water hazards, and tight wooded shots. Everything you need for a great course