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A+ Jace Knapp Oct 2 Best course ever!
A Chris "switch" Hanna Sep 17
When you hear of people puting hard work in on courses you think maintaining, or upkeep, or perhaps just cleaning things up.... Man....I feel privileged, and humble when I step foot on this property. ... show more ›
A+ Ron Pannesi Jun 2022
It is hard to describe the magnificence of the property. Since 09 it has gone from one temp course set up for 2-3 weeks in the spring with cloth baskets to now having 2 18 hole courses with 9 additi ... show more ›
A- James McLaughlin May 2021 Some of the most beautiful views that MT has to offer on a unreal piece of property. Every shot the first time through is summed up with one 2 syllable word....EPIC!!!
A Kyler Elliott Jun 2022
Are you kidding me! This course is the real deal. Amazing rock formations, treacherous inclines, and beautiful backdrops. Every year this course gets better and better with the hard work of Ron and Jo ... show more ›
B- Tyler Bugni Jun 2011 The course is very interesting, it was hard to judge considering how much the wind blew and how hard it blew.