C Brandon Davison Jan 2021 Not well maintained
B David James Jan 2021 good layout. too much garbage everywhere.
B+ Sean Chapman Sep 2016 the Grove is a great course. its only lacking tee signs and navigating the course can be tough for a first timer. the course has everything you'd want in a course. also, the homeless is becoming a problem.
C+ Zac Teuscher Sep 2015 Lack of proper signage! Some holes do have tee signs but not all location are on it.
Most of the baskets were in the shortest positions which made for a fun round!
A lot of different shots are needed to successfully navigate the course. Some baskets are elevated as well.
A Jesse Anderson Sep 2015 A nicely layed out course. I enjoyed the hike. It ended up being 11,000 steps and 13 stories. It happened to be the day before the Fall classic and all the baskets were ridicules. I met some locals and had a very fun experience.
B Mason Caldwell Sep 2014 I actually like this course. It gets a lot of hate, but its pretty cool. Least favorite thing about it though is that its in Cottage Grove.
B Mike Wilson Sep 2014 Solid course. Needs a few minor touches still but it's a fun course with descent length.
B+ Kevin Sweeley aka ONE LIVID MIND Aug 2014 When you show up it does not look like much, but as soon as you get to hole four, the place starts getting very cool. This place has a little of everything, and is extremly fun to play.
B Luke Johnson Aug 2014 A really fun course to play. Could use a couple more tee signs, only missing a few. Access to fresh water would be good. All in all a great course.
B Travis Pugh Jul 2014
Mixed feelings about this course. Layout change is to drastic, and sometimes dosen't make sense depending on pin locations. Nice tees, needs couple more signs showing distances. Like I said depending ... show more ›
B- John doe Apr 2014 Not to much poison oak nice course has everting thought lines to open big throws only thing its missing is tee signs good thing we had some one who played here before in our group with tee signs this could be a solid b or A-
A Jeff Levell Nov 2013 Well designed course! Improving everyday. More & more pin positions all the time. All kinds of shots. Great community!
A Melissa Hill Sep 2013 My home course, I love it!
B+ Jake LaPutka Sep 2012 Awesome course, a little short, and a little smelly from the water treatment plant but i had a great time!
B Brody Cannon Sep 2012 Decent variety of shots. Pretty fun course.
B Rob" littleT.D." Deen Apr 2012 could use some signs hard to find your way around
B Jessie Sanders Jan 2012 Would give it an A if it had markers for the tee areas
A Gene Fackler Nov 2011 This is a great course to play any day as it is not usually busy but can be very challenging if you don't bring your A game.
B+ Jon Hallquist Oct 2011 Very fun course and as it keeps on getting worked on by the EDGC, it will continue to get better. Fun holes that test your distance and accuracy.
A Skipper Hamilton Jun 2012
This is a great course. It has all the goodies! Some big open, tight trees uphill, down hill! And much much more! The course is well maintained by local players and the city of Cottage Grove. The Grov ... show more ›
B+ Jason "Rage" morton Jun 2011
Awesome course. My parents take a camping trip every year at dorena lake and it is a perfect time for me to play this course. This course has everything, left's right's up's downs, long bombs and ho ... show more ›
B+ Ian Sepkovic May 2011 Needs a mowing.
B+ McKenzie Baldwin May 2011
This course is very challenging and has a little bit of everything. Long open drives, into wooded fairways. There is a lot of variety and more being added all the time. Another plus is that it has ... show more ›
A- Lee Fouste May 2011 I love this course! Great hole design...lots of technical /woods/elevation/open shots...and there are no lines here...ever