A+ Big Disc Mike Storrs Mar 2023 Best 9 hole in the state
C+ Jimmer Robinson Oct 2020 Good little 9-hole course
B Jacob Cooper May 2017 Fun course with a few long holes. On a few of the holes, you throw parallel to the creek. I played in May and the creek ended up eating a few of my discs.
B+ Dan T May 2015 Good use of space for 9 holes. I played in early May, water in the ditch was high and it ate one of my favorite discs. Fun course.
A- Richard O Aug 2013 Lovely course set in an established park mature trees and a cool mid-level threat of a ditch.
B+ Dan Chando Jun 2014
Course is in a pubic park, but is rarely ever too busy. When the pins are in the longest locations, the course can actually offer a good challenge, otherwise, most holes are relatively short, but non ... show more ›
A- Bruce Kettle Aug 2011 Played on a very windy day so I wasn't able to try to many shots. Lots of over stable in to the wind stuff.. I wish there was distance numbers on this course. Next time I go I'll write them and post them here. They have them on the tees there just not here.
A- Patrick Blazek Jan 2011 One of my favorite 9 hole courses in Colorado. I haven't played a lot of em but this one is pretty fun. Technical and good variety of short and long holes. Creek comes into play on a few holes, nice sized trees everywhere and yet again another great use of space.
B John C. Milroy Nov 2010 Plays along a river for holes 1 2 and 4. Also has a fenced in pond which I'm sure holds piranha, so don't go in there. Its mostly free throwing and wide open. Fun to play.