Craig Clingan Jun 19, 2023We started on 3, first round, and there was an orange disc in that “ditch” between 3 and 4. Not sure if anyone picked it up or not. Maybe at lost and found with Keith or Eric?
Jen Grandy
Lost clear neon green/yellow champion mamba on hole 17 in the weeds off to left. Name on it is Nate Upton but number is old. If found contact 989-763-5470 please. Aug 9, 2021
Duncan Christiansen
Lost a red 2x AJ Teebird in the pond on hole 18. Finders fee for whoever pulls it out and returns it. Jun 22, 2021
Craig Compton
Lost a blue Classic Blend Judge on hole 16 tonight. Went pretty straight off the tee and ended up short and left of the basket in the woods somewhere. Would really love to get it back since I have an ace with that disc. Reward if returned! Jun 22, 2021
landon schmidt
I believe i left my yellow proD zone on 1 of the back 9 holes yesterday(04/02/2021)
I know i used it for a few practice upshots on the back half but now when sorting my discs(it's no where to be found. I've got a star Mako I'll exchange for the return Apr 3, 2021
Brian Jenks
Lost a white and green swirled star emperor on hole 13. Drove too straight towards the bridge & ditch, potentially kicked right in the corner. Reward if returned. Jul 12, 2020