A Hunter faul Aug 2017 Love this course a little forgiving for newer players such as myself but still challenging enough to feel a little pressure. Over all great park they really take care of it.
A- Charles Brean Mar 2017
1-13 playing through woods require technical shots and the ability to adjust your game if your throw doesnt go just how you plan but super fun holes. 14-17 hug fence line OB make for a slight technica ... show more ›
A- Kyle "Johnny Mags" Magnuson Oct 2015 Short and technical. 1-13 demand accuracy and a little tree love. 14-17 play along a fence line and are deceptively simple. However the all hug the OB line and makes for some good mind-games. hole 18 will snap you out of it requiring a very long arm and a meaty approach if you wish to par.
B- Mike Salisbury Apr 2014
First 13 holes are great, short yes but wooded and tricky. Have to avoid trees and use every shot in your arsenal. But when it opens up 14-18 it's boring and the fence on the left is annoying. Good th ... show more ›