C+ Kevin Dzekunskas Aug 2022 Steady Ed designed this course in 1978...very busy at times...mostly a pitch and putt...good practice with no clear advantage for backhand/sidearm...great to practice both...tee signs, concrete tees and adequate baskets
C- Matt Nemmers Dec 2015 Not awful, not awesome, but more baskets in Black Hawk County? Definitely a plus.
C Jason Atterberry Mar 2013 The first disc golf course built in the state of Iowa & the third built in the United States!
C- Tyson Castle Jun 2012 The place to go if you're craving a free-for-all ace-run.
Bring your putter and yell "FOUR!"
B- Kurt Conrad Apr 2013 First DG course in IA set up in 1976. They only had what we call putters back then. You can't dog this gourse for beeing too short. Also this course is played a lot, so grass does not grow in the high traffic areas.
F- John C Mar 2011
Played this course this afternoon, I was disgusted. The course was poorly maintained, half of the holes were unmarked and I had to guess the entire time where the next tee box was and then where the b ... show more ›