A Andy E Oct 2023 Really good course. One of the best in the Twin Cities metro.
A+ Nathan Morton Sep 2022 Favorite course in Minnesota. Amazing views, incredible layout. It's a must play!
A+ Rob Wagner Oct 2019 Best course in MN in my opinion. Even better than Blue Ribbon...fight me. Amazing views, great mix of challenging and playable. Long and short tees. Super well taken care of. You'll use all your shots. Hole 17 is one of the greatest holes in the country. This course got me hooked on disc golf.
A+ Keith Kuss Jul 2019 Best course in mn ! Awesome views ,well designed
A+ Benjamin McMullen Aug 2018 Hands down the best course i have ever played. This is the pinnacle of disc golf. Beautiful land, well signed, quality equipment, impeccably designed, diverse. Flawless.
A Lucas H Jun 2018
This is a beautiful and well-maintained course. 3 Rivers park district does and amazing job with this. There are both open and wooded holes and a good mix of backhand and forehand friendly holes thr ... show more ›
A+ Brian A. May 2018 Easily the best course I've played on. Worth the $6.50 to get in. Well maintained, a garbage can, recycling can, cigarette station and bench at every tee. Hole 10 and 17 have the most gorgeous views. Deserves the A+
A Hugh MacNiven Mar 2018 So great to come back and visit this course after 14 years living out East. A great experience. Beautifully maintained and appointed (hooks on every tee so you can hang your bag like a gentleman).
B+ Nick Bosovich Jul 2017 Cool course but so many blind holes, does not make for a fun round when playing solo. Wood chips around the baskets are a nice touch
A marc ditmore May 2017 Well maintained, Short and long pins are fun. Little steep of a price for a round but 45 bucks for a year plus half off for my GF since we live in the same house is not too bad. It is May 1 and I have paid off my year. Good tees some hard shots and some super fun lines. I like this course a lot
A+ Joal Kozma May 2016 Amazingly beautiful course!
A Joshua Phillips Mar 2016 What an experience! And it takes some experience to conquer- it's not really for beginners. Tons of elevation change, especially if you're used to Kansas courses. Hole 17 is a real thrill, and this is the best maintained course I've been to.
A Seth Peake Nov 2015 The course was in fantastic shape. As always....
A Henry Trier Aug 2014 Best course I've had the privilege to play.
A Shai Simonson Jun 2014 This is a stunning course, with lots of different challenges: elevation, length, and variety of angles. Professionally laid out with great signage, A great pro course -- They added 6 holes since I used to play here 7 years ago.
A Nick Stock Jun 2014
Well-groomed. Plenty of up and down elevation. Scenic, with Bryant lake in open view from holes on the side of a large hill. Wooded. $5 pay to play worth it all day. One basket is located atop a massi ... show more ›
A Scott White Sep 2013 Holy shit, I need to get out more. What a course! MN has stepped up the game big time.
A David Deuel Aug 2013
Amazing upkeep on this course. There are granite stairs in the middle of the woods just to get you to the next tee. The views overlooking the lake are beautiful! I love the elevation changes from h ... show more ›
A Matt K Aug 2013 very well taken care of course, challenging on most holes but still a great course for everyone
A Ellen K May 2013
Some courses get worse as time goes by, Bryant Lake gets better. Every year Three Rivers adds some improvement to the course and they have for several years running. This year they've whittled the r ... show more ›
A Jeff Kaluk Jul 2012 Wonderful course. Nothing bad to say except $5 a round is a little steep. $35 for a year pass is great but I am just visiting. Had time for a second round too. A+ if there were a daily pass.
A+ xaeLen n Jun 2012
probably best course i have ever played. the place was immaculate. on a mostly gentle hillside nest to a lake. mowed fairways. grass next to fairways only shin high. so many amazing steps and embankme ... show more ›
A Brent N. Mar 2012
This place is awesome this year now that 16 is finished. The landscaping, teeboxes and course maintenence are reasons this place among the top in the state. Its $5 this year, but still worth playing ... show more ›
A- Jon Tveite Dec 2012
This is by far the nicest and most built-up course I've ever played. It rivals a ball-golf course in terms of infrastructure: long tee pads, good signs, wooden terraces, bridges, and pathways. There ... show more ›
B+ Tim R Apr 2011
Great course, my number 2 after Kaposia, for the Twin Cities Area. The entire 18 holes are essentially on a decent sized hill-top over looking a lake. Even the several more open borringer holes are ma ... show more ›
A Brandon McCollam Apr 2011 Great course, one of my favorites.
A Michael Vogsland Oct 2010 this course is kept up well and very scenic. got a face lift a couple years ago and is now one of my favorites in the state.