enjoyable course though it is the bane of my existence thus far in my short career. 1-3 are fairly simple which gets you thinking, "Hey, I'm gonna do well". Then comes 4 and it's all downhill for th ...
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enjoyable course though it is the bane of my existence thus far in my short career. 1-3 are fairly simple which gets you thinking, "Hey, I'm gonna do well". Then comes 4 and it's all downhill for the average thrower. 10-12 are killer. hardest 3 holes in a row i've ever played which doesn't say much because I haven't been playing that long. distance and accuracy needed, of which neither i have. snowmen abound. 13-16 starts the watery fun and on some days the wind seems to grab your disc like a magnet to the water. i think i saw poseidon and lockness laughing at me out there. thanks guys. 18 is my nemesis. if i were superman, 18 is lex luthor. mind you, i'm not saying i am superman but i'm also not saying i'm not superman. i think the baskets are actually made of kryptonite. I can sum it up with more superman references. It's like superman 3, i want to hate it but learn to love it as i keep thinking richard pryor might save the film. actually...that makes no sense.