B+ Jack Reid Sep 2020 Played here a lot when I lived in Illinois. I haven't been back to the course in years. I remember it being infuriating at times.
A- Eric "Downtown" Brown Aug 2015
My favorite in Joliet area. Great cement tee pads. Awesome layout, will challenge you entire game. A 9 speed Disc was used a lot through my round as their are many tight fairways. Might leave your 14 ... show more ›
A- Isaac T. Jun 2015 Very well kept course. Not a lot of shade though. Very flat also, for those who don't like hiking up all those hills. Despite the lack of elevation, a beautiful natural marshland course, that borders the I & M canal, tame deer are also known to appear while playing. Camping nearby also.
B Alex V Sep 2013 easy to lose a disc
A Sean Callahan Aug 2022 Great course, one of the best in the area. Hands down one of the best maintained and clean courses I've ever seen. A must play.
A Scott S Aug 2022 Beautiful Park,Great signs easy to find tee pads, two tee pads at every hole.
Cool greens, lots of landscaping and work put in to this course!
Can't wait till Im back in that area to play it again !