A- Floyd Reese Aug 2022
Need basket numbers This was my first time on the course and could not find the correct layout on Udisc to match the baskets when we found them otherwise a fair course for experienced players but for ... show more ›
B- Chad Kelley Mar 2018 Pretty long course and mostly wide open with a touch of technical lines here and there.
B- Brodey Hansen Mar 2018 Loooong course with very few ace opportunities.
C+ Marcus Wolfenbarger Sep 2017 Fairly open and has a nice mix of longer and short pin locations. The grass is thick and long on every hole, excluding, 1,2, and 18
A- Alan Fox Mar 2015 Very long course, lots of OB, real nice baskets with flags, huge perfect tee pads.
A Jeremy LeCrone Jul 2014 Long, demanding course. Creative basket placements and use of treelines make for nice challenges and creative lines. Eager to challenge this course again when I've managed to add another 100 feet to my average shot... It will certainly test your limits.
A- Chris Connell May 2014 has water and ob not that they come in to play all that much. has long nearly unreachable hole locations for me. and wind usually plays a factor.
A Peter Bures Apr 2011 Pretty long course, tough.