F- Jim Price Jun 18 June 20th 2016-This course is currently abandoned and totally unplayable. The grass is approx 4ft high and engulfing the baskets. Any attempt to play here will result in lost discs! Who ever built this course would be ashamed. Whoever maintains this course should be fired!
C- Michael Kochendorfer Jan 2014 Fun little ace race course!
C- Matthew Bressler Dec 2013 This course could be so much more. Wish I lived closer to put some time in. Flat and open. Trees only get in the way on a few holes. Good for practice.
C- casey browning Jun 2013 its a great course for instructional purposes, I take noobies there to get a fewel for the game.
C- Jen Tech Jul 2012 I loved how hidden the course was, but the tee pads were torn up, the ground was so bumpy and the grass needs be cut badly.
D+ Sean Chapman Jun 18 Real boring course with not much for trees. Very little if any terrain veriation's. Very nice baskets but no tee pads and very pour signs with just the # on them. There is a lot of area on that campus that they could have a very nice 9 hole or possibly a 18 hole course there.
D+ Ryan Tech Oct 2011 I got stung by a bee, damnit!
C Josh Dearing Mar 2021
This is a great coarse to figure out your short game. Very few people play here, so no wait. Only two holes have any real challenge #8 dog leg right around patch of trees small driver/mid, and #9 blin ... show more ›
D- Kalon Wiggins May 2011
This course is obviously a perk on paper to attract students to the university. In reality, they took an extra field they had, mowed it with a tractor and put up some goals and rubberized tee mats. ... show more ›
D+ TREE Sines Dec 2010 tee pads need to be cleaned up maybe some concert ones that would be nice .
D+ George Bodiroga Sep 2010 Just straight open shots. Nothing interesting about it.