B+ Jennifer P Mar 2017 Concrete tee off pads have been added recently and the course is very well maintained. Because it's the main course in Richmond, to avoid the crowds it's best to play during the week or early mornings :)
A- Nick Bosovich Nov 2016
Great course in a park setting. Nice use of park with elevation changes and water/OB making shots challenging and somewhat technical. I really enjoyed the course but it needs signage and directions be ... show more ›
A- Jason Semales Aug 2016
This is a fantastic course. It's a very open course with a lot of big arm throws. The undergrowth if you get into the woods is miserable so you have to keep an eye on your discs. It is VERY easy to lo ... show more ›
A- Chris Pyle Jul 2016 Big storm came thru recently. Still recovering.
B- charles barrie Mar 2016
Signage needs to updated to aid in course navigation. This course to me is Munden Point with hills. Nice park and well maintained for the amount of green space. The few holes that play over water add ... show more ›
A- Rex R Apr 2018 Enjoyed it! Tough for me. Had light disc's in the bag. Shooting from hills with wind coming through. A couple nice over water shots.
B+ Brenton Waters Apr 2015 Needs more information on hole next to tee.
A nick b Jan 2015
They have newly installed beautiful stone tee pads, which are great to play on. The course is beautiful and very large. It has a wide array of holes including short precision holes and long 600 ft hol ... show more ›
B+ Ryan Akens Dec 2014 Solid course with dirt pads. Navigating the first run through is slightly tricky. Fun and good all around course.
A- Chris Carpenter Sep 2014 Nice well-maintained course in an open park. Stone Tee pads are currently in construction and will be really nice when completed.
B+ Reed Sorensen Jul 2013
I was visiting from Oregon and thought this was a great course. It could use better tee pads, but other than that it was very good. This course is challenging, but is open so you can recover from a ... show more ›
A Ryan C Oct 2012 This course is great! Some very long holes with a handful of ace runs mixed in, tee pads are the only negative (dirt). Tape on top of baskets guides you to the next tee pad.
B+ Patrick Nowaczyk Jan 2012 Bryan park is alot of fun. I play there about 4-5 times a week. great open spaces to work out your technique on long drives, but enough elevation changes and obstacles to constantly keep you entertained and challenged. very pretty park as well.
B Jimmy Alexander Jul 2011 Would be a solid A if there were either fly pads or concrete, the dirt pads just dont get it done. Lots of great holes though 11 is by far the coolest one. Some better signage would really help.