Ottumwa Sunday Church Players
Est. 2010
Home courses
Wildwood Park
Ottumwa, IA
Ottumwa, IA
Indian Hills Community College
Ottumwa, IA
Ottumwa, IA
Memorial Park
Ottumwa, IA
Ottumwa, IA
Recent News
David Berry September 18, 2010 at 1:50am
Club play at Wildwood
Remember we will be playing at Wildwood DGC at 1:00pm on Sunday September 19, 2010
David Berry September 17, 2010 at 7:04am
Possibly start of a new league
We are trying this to see if we can get players to gether to play Wildwood, IHCC courses and possibly Memorial and Pioneer Ridge Courses. We will start play with groups of 4 trying to vary player levels to help teach and improve players. We will play on Sunday Afternoon at 1:00pm at Wildood. If we have the intrest we may start a league and run Oct 3, 2010 through the end of November or in to December. If that league works we will form one Next year to run early spring to late fall. and host a few tournaments.
David Berry March 27, 2012 at 11:47pm
2012 League Play
League Play will start at 1:30 at Wildwood park hole one. Registration from 1:30 to 1:50 tee off at 2:00 Sunday April 1.