Leverich Park Groupies
Est. 2010 • Lovin' Leverich!
Club Staff
Nate Clark Club Director
Jeremy Beckwith Leverich Insider
Anthony Chivers LPG Leaguer
Brendan Kelly LPG Leaguer
Home courses
Leverich Park
Vancouver, WA
Vancouver, WA
Recent News
Nate Clark October 29, 2012 at 8:06pm
2nd VAD results and Thanks!
The results are up. I personally am so thankful for everyone coming out to this tournament, it was such a success, all it does is make me look forward to next year so much! What a great group of people, everyone who helped, anyone who played and everyone who donated! Such a blessing to be around such amazing people.
Nate Clark July 16, 2010 at 12:17am
At the Leverich Park softball field. Meet there, play for a couple hours. See ya there!!! -Nate C.
Nate Clark September 11, 2014 at 2:10am
4th VAD coming up!!!
Message me your email and division!!!!