75 following
Larry Bright Jr. March 29, 2019 at 8:56pm
The wackiest disc golf league in the area makes it's return Sunday to The Pond in Painesville for 2019!! April's Fools moves to a new location for this year, but the same tomfoolery will be present!! 11 AM start!! Come have some fun and be ready for something completely different!! This is only a 5 week league, and culminates to a League Championship with points earned each week based on weekly finish, prize donations, aces, and CTPs, along with also helping set up or take down each we ... more
Larry Bright Jr. March 13, 2019 at 8:12pm
Registration for the B-Tier 2019 Labyrinth at Punderson State Park on July 20-21st goes live this coming Friday 3/15 at 8 PM!!! Don't delay on signing will fill!!! We are continuing on with the original format that was returned last year with 3 rounds over two days using the 18 hole layout!! Great players pack for all Ams and $750 added cash for the Pro purse!! You don't want to miss this event!!! Like the course at Punderson, it will be EPIC!!!
Scott Williams February 28, 2019 at 2:32pm
The Eagles Fly at Punderson -- PDGA C-Tier on May 19th
Two rounds of Red/White/Blue Layouts, Register now!
Tim Kramer January 2, 2019 at 11:46pm
Just 1 month away, the 2019 Ashtabula Ice Bowl. Don't miss out on this fun event that is for a great cause!! Come enjoy the warmth of the Lake Shore Park Conference room before and after the round. As usual there will be lunch provided including delicious chili made by club members!! We hope to see a lot of you there to keep the tradition of this event going.
Larry Bright Jr. December 7, 2018 at 5:44pm
BYOP Doubles Event tomorrow at Sims!! Cash payouts, with one round of Best Shot and one round of Alternate Shot!! $40 a team, with $30 to payouts and the remaining proceeds going to upgrading hole signage at Sims!! Mulligans also available at 6 for $5 per person. 3 CTPs and an ace fund will also be on hand!! Come on out and throw!!
Greg Miller December 7, 2018 at 1:32pm
Join us for this year’s Ice Bowl on February 9th at The Pond! The cost to play is $25 which will go toward helping St. James food pantry. Your fee also gets you a choice of one disc:
Innova Leopard Dx
Innova Rock Dx
Dynamic Discs Judge
Dynamic Discs Truth
Gateway Wizard 4s
Millennium Omega SS
Millennium Scorpius Standard
You can register here:
Hope to see you there!
Larry Bright Jr. November 6, 2018 at 12:26am
Say something ...The NEO Indoor Putting League makes it's return for year 4 in just two weeks on Monday, November 19th at the famous Lithuanian Club on E. 185 Street in Cleveland, OH!! 6:30 start time each week, with practice open at 6. Weekly and season payouts, and once again we will be raffling off a basket at the end of the year, with tickets earned each league night you play!! Come putt in the warmth of the Amber Ballroom and keep that putt strong over the cold Ohio winter months!! Lea ... more
Greg Miller August 31, 2018 at 11:01am
We are extending the Ace Race registration until this Sunday evening, 9/2 @ 8pm. We are quite short of the 20 needed to make this event a reality. If you want in the fun, please register or get 30 bucks to Mickey by then. We will be playing The Pond with shortened holes between 180-200ft which increases your chances for an Ace greatly! LETS FILL THIS!!!!
Ryan Flanagan August 24, 2018 at 1:01pm
A little over a week until the 2018 Legacy Discs Confidence Clash at Veteran's Memorial Park in Parma. Registration and all information can be found here: There are currently 18 spots still available. $30 for 3 discs, towel, mini, wrist band, and sticker. Great prizes for 3 different divisions. Additional CTP and other prizes are being added.
Greg Miller August 21, 2018 at 12:55pm
Thanks to those who participated in the Trilogy Challenge to raise money for a good cause. Summer is almost over, but we aren't! Get signed up for the Ace Race coming next month! Player packs need to be ordered 9/1, so make sure you register by 8/31. Let's make this another great event for Painesville Disc Golf!
Larry Bright Jr. August 16, 2018 at 7:41pm
Cashless pre-registration is officially open for The 2018 Oderus Open at Punderson Disc Golf Course on 8/26/18!! If you are interested, comment on the event page. If we got close to filling, spots are only guaranteed to pre-pay only. So get on it!!
Ryan Flanagan August 7, 2018 at 8:54pm
Don't miss out on the 2nd Annual Legacy Confidence Clash hosted by Parma Disc Golf Club at Veteran's Memorial Park on September 2nd. Online registration closes on August 19th. $75 dollar players pack for $30 with chances to win prizes. All the information can be found here:
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Greg Miller July 16, 2018 at 1:17pm
Trilogy Challenge at The Pond in Painesville
Registration is open until August 4th for the Trilogy Challenge at The Pond in Painesville on 8/18. All entries include an awesome players pack of 3 discs, Trilogy t-shirt, and a burst mini. For more information or to register, please go to the tournament page here:
Greg Miller June 26, 2018 at 1:48pm
Signup deadlines for the Trillogy Challenge & Ace Race Tournaments at The Pond in Painesville are going to be August 4th & August 30th respectively. If you haven't signed up, go to the following links to sign up and pay for your registration:
Trillogy Challenge:
Ace Race:
There are excellent players packs for both tournaments so sign up now so you don't miss out!
Mickey Anderson June 3, 2018 at 1:46am
Painesville Disc Golf Club
We have decided to run our August event as a Trilogy Challenge! We were having slow registration and this way we can have an event with a great players pack and play in honor of Jens Dad John! Hope you will all consider playing! We will have a couple of side games also and plan on having a nice food layout too!! Hope to see you all here for some Summer Fun! Thanks
Trevor Murphy May 23, 2018 at 12:03pm
Shoot the Breeze Open 2018
Lake Shore DGC
Field only half full!
Greg Miller May 15, 2018 at 11:02am
Registration is open for the Discraft Ace Race hosted by Painesville Disc Golf Club September 15th, 2018:
Scott Williams May 14, 2018 at 6:49pm
Punderson Thursday Handicap league:
The month of May is A/B Pool singles to establish handicaps. Then June-August will be a raw score payout then the Handicap payout. 90% of the average of your last 5 rounds!
$5+$1 Ace+$1 CTP, Reds to Shorts.
Larry Bright Jr. May 9, 2018 at 9:20pm
Punderson Handicap League kicks off tomorrow with a 6 PM start!! Reds to Shorts layout, with optional ace fund and cash CTP each night!! We will also have league bag tags for sale for league members and anyone else interested at $5 each. Come out and get your throw on!!!
Monday Nights Scrambles at Sims makes its 2019 return tomorrow with a 5:30 start!!! Spread the word and let's get this party started!!!