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Tim Kopacz May 25, 2023 at 2:12am
Logo clothing fundraiser -
The clothing we store is now officially open for pre-orders!!! Get your orders in. The sale will only run 2 weeks, and we won't be placing a big stock order of our own for assorted colors and sizes (too much up front money). So, get the exact colors and sizes you want. I can vouch for these high quality garments!
Tim Kopacz April 2, 2023 at 12:23pm
News about the new course across the river from Powder Mill...
We were approved for a Michigan Economic Development Corporation matching grant of $36k!!! We are in the middle of our fundraising campaign now, and have to raise $36k by May 30 to get the match. So, please pass this along to anyone you know who may be interested in donating or becoming a sponsor on the course. Anything you can give right now is worth double when we reach our goal and get the matching MEDC grant!!!
The crowdfunding page is...
nathan Simpson June 22, 2012 at 4:07am
hopefully we will need lots of help soon stay tuned
Sebastian Hohl June 22, 2012 at 3:59am
Thanks for the response Nate. Excited to see the progress.
Sebastian Hohl June 20, 2012 at 12:43am
I like the new course layout, a lot. Would like a little more info though. It appears like you're putting in pro and amateur tees? Also, when would tee markers and a new course layout map become available?? Who put together all the work to update this course (I would like to get info on helping for future projects)? What would we have to do to put in concrete tees? I understand this all takes a lot of time, coordination and efforts. Good work!
These look sweet. Just made an order!