Disc Golfers Anonymous
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David deBernardi March 22, 2021 at 9:01pm
...looks like this is inactive??
Bonnie McCuddin September 25, 2019 at 4:45pm
I'm looking to may-be join a disc golf club but want to check it out first. Just moved from Hawaii 3 years ago and haven't really played for about 11 years and trying to get back into the game. Can someone contact me with more info on the club?
Thanks! Bonnie
Brandon M December 31, 2015 at 2:16am
Hey, I look forward to getting involved in the 2016 season.
Matt Hernandez December 12, 2014 at 5:57am
Hey guys, just moved to Citrus Heights from Alaska and am looking for a club to get involved with. Are you guys doing leagues, tournaments, etc... If so, what do you guys have coming up and how can I join up? Was playing with the Alaska Disc Golf Association and would love to get hooked up with a league in the area now that im in Nor Cal. Let me know whenever you get a chance. Thanks, Matt.
Hi Matt. This leage is not currently active. I hope we get it going again but it probably won't be untill the spring if we do. I'm sure if you check with the pro shop at Shady Oaks they can direct you to some current options.
I'm always looking for people to play with. Just moved from Hawaii and trying to get back into the game.
Gabriel Lopez January 12, 2014 at 10:28am
bro do you think we can get a match going sooner than march
saddly yes