Disc Fanatics of Kansas
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Austin Cranston June 8, 2012 at 6:38am
Any thoughts????
Rick Petrie June 7, 2012 at 5:00am
I was sooooo tempted to play tonight, but getting home to air conditioning & off my feet ended up being a bigger lure. Sorry.
BTW, I still want to do that trade. I'll keep mine with me so next time I see you I'm ready.
Austin Cranston June 6, 2012 at 11:28pm
What up, anybody playing today?
Rick Petrie June 5, 2012 at 7:21am
The first league round event details are not yet finalized. But I do know there will not be a league/season kick-off tournament at Fairmont Park. Stay tuned for an further details.
There will not be any professional divisions available. The best players will need to participate in the Advanced division.
Hope that helps.
Dimond Cutter June 4, 2012 at 10:06pm
Will there be a season kickoff tourney at fairmont?
Rick Petrie June 4, 2012 at 6:10pm
By the way, I forgot to include Adam Johnson as a generous ($20) contributor in yesterday's initial news flash. However, I have now edited the news the club page of discgolfscene to reflect his contribution. Please forgive me Adam.
Also, I have removed the "PDGA" part of the points division descriptions because we are not a PDGA sanctioned league. Nor will this league effect your PDGA rating.
Mark Kewley June 4, 2012 at 7:06am
If you are on Facebook you should Like Discs Unlimited. You will be #1500 and they will do a drawing for some goodies: http://www.facebook.com/DiscsUnlimited
Rick Petrie June 4, 2012 at 6:59am
I should point out that (at this point in time), none of the DFOK leagues, tournaments, etc. are PDGA sanctioned events.
Mark Kewley June 3, 2012 at 10:37pm
Final 9 KC Wide Open live, right now:
Rick Petrie June 3, 2012 at 7:35am
Once upon a time, on a course named Riley Conference Center, some guys ran over a basket (with their tractor) while baling hay.
Have you guys taken an inventory of the baskets since they cut the hay? . ? . ? By the way, you won't be in the clear until they have baled & hauled off all the bales of hay.
Fun Times!
Robert Adams June 3, 2012 at 7:21am
They cut the grass for Daughtry...but not disc golf. What's this world coming to...
Ken Braeger June 3, 2012 at 4:21am
The grass at Riley Conference Center was cut today (prepped for bailing). I haven't been on the course to see if it's cut completely around yet, but I'm going to try and get tomorrow to check it out. I expect with the upcoming Daughtry concert, the grounds will get a manicure. Since the grass was done with a combine (or such), I expect the tee boxes are no longer unmarked, but I'm excited none the less to get a few more rounds in before the baskets are moved to Moon Lake..
Adam Johnson June 3, 2012 at 12:32am
My destroyer champion blizzard is very stable and i rarely turn it over. Ive never really used in windy conditions but that's mostly because I try to play safe in heavy wind. The blizz champion wears much fasterfor me. If u are used to throwing 170 g discs then I would suggest not going below 150 g. Good luck Jon
Kevin Zane June 2, 2012 at 6:21pm
If you aren't satisfied with your distance already, then I would discourage grabbing a blizzard (if that is the only reason you want to try one).. They are fun to throw, and will likely go farther but I would say that anyone could benefit much more from a little field work with some slower, less forgiving discs. Learning to generate better weight transfer, clean release, good timing and mechanics will push your limits much further. With the right practice, you'll find yourself throwing ... more
Robert Adams June 2, 2012 at 2:54pm
Alright, let me write a blizzard review while sober this time, and without sounding like a toolbag... Blizzard plastic is great if it's a wide open shot, or if you put so much hyzer on it that you know it's definitely not going to flip on you, which is what I tend to do with my blizzard ape. But even with the Ape, which is supposed to be the most stable blizzard disc on the market, it'll flip on me even with a >45 degree hyzer release. They're temperamental, and the wind a ... more
Robert Adams June 2, 2012 at 8:46am
I'd say the blizzard ape has the same stability as a normal destroyer...or even a wraith. I've flipped mine a few times without it coming back. I've tossed mine about 550-600 a few times on some monster drives, but if you're looking for consistency, look elsewhere.
Rick Petrie June 2, 2012 at 8:00am
Also keep in mind that the blizzard discs that weigh more than 140g, do not float.
Dimond Cutter June 2, 2012 at 6:34am
Threw a 150 Blizzard wraith and was very surprised how far it went with little effort. Im thinking of getting one but perhaps something more overstable.
Adam Johnson June 2, 2012 at 5:55am
I like my blizzaed destroyer 153 g. I think they are worth trying.
A glow round does sound like fun. Which Night works the best?