Camp Smash
Est 2016 · Greenville, MI

Camp Smash
Established 2016
Throw INNOVA and do what you love!!
Home courses
No upcoming tournaments listed.
No current leagues listed.
This club was established by Team Mad Hatter members Chandra DeGood and Ivan Larsen. Team INNOVA member Chandra DeGood had a vision of growing the sport for children. The name was derived from her home course SMASH Park in Belding, MI. With the help of INNOVA Champion Discs, Steve Hatter, and Shea Abbgy of GR HOBBY & DISC GOLF, she is able to change lives and share her love for the sport of disc golf. Ivan Larsen channels his mentor, legendary football coach, Irv Sigler, as he instills self-belief and a sense of responsibility for our impact on the world around us.