Southern Maryland June Juggernaut

Doubles tournament · Amateur

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hosted by Southern Maryland Disc Golf Association


J. Ruongrat Justin Ruongrat MA1
R. Jessop Russell Jessop MA1
K. Morrow Kevin Morrow MA2
A. Pfaff Austin Pfaff MA2
S. Van Brunt Sean Van Brunt MA4
D. Van Brunt Danielle Van Brunt MA4


  • Sat
    Jun 2

    8:00am - 9:00am

    Registration / Check-in

    9:15am - 9:30am

    Players meeting

    9:30am - 9:30am

    Tee off


MA1 Mixed Am 1 $30
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $30
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $20

About this tournament

Resistration: 8:00-9:00 am
Player meeting: 9:15 am
Shotgun Start: 9:30 am

Fund raiser event for the Southern Maryland Disc Golf Club. The June Juggernaut will showcase the Long Basket positions on every hole, and play from both sets of teepads. See below for division details. There is a 36 team limit. Please pre-register if possible, or pay the morning of. Bring/get your own lunch. There will be a 1 hour break between rounds, with many restaurant options only minutes from the course.

Gold (advanced): $30 per team. Cash payout
Silver (intermediate): $30 per team. Cash payout
Family (Rec): $20 per team. Everyone gets a disc.

Paypal to: [email redacted]
Include player First & Last Names, Team Name, and Division.

Course Format
Gold and Silver:
Round 1 - Long Pad to Long Basket
Round 2 - Short Pad to Long Basket

Round 1 - Temporary short tee zones to Long basket
Round 2 - Short Pad to Long Basket

Other Notes
We will have the all the baskets in the longs the entire month of may, which will also be the first time the course has ever been in all of the long baskets at the same time. The June Juggernaut will mark the grand finale of the long baskets. So there is plenty of time to come to the course and practice the format before hand. Round 1 and round 2 teepads will be a mix of the original rubber pads and our new alternate tee locations per round. Roughly half of the new locations use the perimiter roads as tee pads, the other half are currently natural surfaces. Funds raised at the event will be used to install concrete at those natural locations.

For more information please email Jerry at [email redacted]

Refund policy

Southern Maryland Disc Golf Association is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.