Rusty Chains

Singles tournament

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hosted by Leaguers Anonymous DGC


N. Van Ornam Nick Van Ornam GEN


  • Sun
    Apr 6

    9:00am - 9:45am

    Registration / Check-in

    9:45am - 10:00am

    Players' meeting

    10:00am - 12:45pm

    Let's disc!


GEN General $20

About this tournament

One day singles tournament
Player max: 40
Online registration cap: 32

Registration fee includes:
-Player pack
-Parking fees
-Ace pool

Player's pack will include:
-LADGC disc (Innova Nova or Tern)
-LADGC sticker
-Innova mini marker
-Innova sticker
-Scorecard & pencil

Prizes include:
1st place: $100 gift card to Lee's Adventure Goods, $30 gift card to Something's Brewing, DryFly Towel, Innova mesh hat, mini driver, keychain, and patch

2nd place: Innova Deluxe bag, DryFly towel, mesh cap, mini driver, keychain, and patch

3rd place: Innova Starter bag, mesh cap, DryFly towel, and mini driver

***On site registration will be available, however we can only guarantee discs to those that pre-register online

Refund policy

Leaguers Anonymous DGC is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.