Memorial Day Dubs 5/25

Doubles tournament

Monday, May 25, 2009

Hosted by Lakeshore Dubs


  • Mon
    May 25

    9:30am - 10:00am

    Registration / Check-in


    Tee off.


MPO Mixed Pro Open $15
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $15

About this tournament

YO! I'm hosting Memorial Day Dubs at Lakeshore. We'll play 27 holes. 18 blues, then a final 9, possibly safari. We'll do Pro/Am, random draw.


Entry fee is $15. $10 goes to payout and $5 goes to food. I'll be grilling up some good eatins for lunch. I'm making a bunch of my signature blend burgers with all the fixins, and we'll have brats, dogs, and veggie burgers for those that are not down with meat. Food all depends on pre-reg numbers. If it looks good, we'll have slaw, potato salad and other good picnic sides. Dude Sweet Nice.

Bring $5 extra if you want beer. I'm planning on getting a barrel or 2, depending on pre-reg numbers. When pre-reging, let me know if you want beer or not. Hopefully we can cart one out onto the course around #13 or something. Sweet.

Registration will close at 10am. We should be teeing off at 10:15. I anticipate a 3 hour round, a 90 min lunch break, and another 90 min final 9. Giving time for a 6some or other shenanigans, everyone should be paid out and leaving before 5pm.

We're not going to use the exact 101 payout table. Top 30% should be paid out. I should have a rough estimate posted after I see the prereg numbers. This is gonna be some serious fun. I did this same format at Toboggan in 2007 and turnout was awesome, we had 50 people.

Post up on the talk section with your name and PDGA #, and indicate if you want beer or are a vegetarian. Sign up for Open if you are on the pro side or Advanced if you want to be on the Am side.

Please help me spread the word. More people = better food and more beer. HELL YEA!!!