JBird Women's Championships (MWS Finals)

PDGA C-tier

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hosted by Trip C's


  • Sat
    Aug 16

    8:00am - 9:30am

    Registration / Check-in


    Players meeting


    Tee off 1st Round


FPO Women's Pro Open $35
FPM Master Women $35
FPG GM Women $35
FPS Sr GM Women $35
FA1 Women's Am 1 $25
FM1 Adv Master Women $25
FG1 Adv GM Women $25
FS1 Adv Sr GM Women $25
FA2 Women's Am 2 $25
FA3 Women's Am 3 $25
FA4 Women's Am 4 $20
FJ1 Junior I - Girls $15
FJ2 Junior II - Girls $15
FJ3 Junior III - Girls $15
FJ4 Junior IV - Girls $15

About this tournament

FYI, there is no online registration. You will just pay Saturday morning. To cashless pre-reg, post your name, pdga# (if you have one), and division on the comments board.

Mitchigan Women's Series Final Event (#6)
You do not have to qualify to play in this event! Everyone (female) is welcome!

2 Rounds of 18 holes.
Round 1 - Renegades Trail (AKA Devil's Den) Layout -
ALL Holes Short Tee to Short Baskets

River's Edge Layout-
Hole 2. Shortened basket
Holes 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, and 16 have shortened tee pads

5 Berths to the Michigan State Championships Labor Day weekend!

For More info on the Michigan Women's Series, please check out our facebook page, or message me for details! https://www.facebook.com/pages/2014-Michigan-Womens-Disc-Golf-Series-MWS/2479334

You do not need to qualify in this event.

You must play in 4 events prior to this to qualify for the Overall Points. Only your best 4 of the 6 showings plus the Finals points will count for overalls. So you will have 1 or more drops if you play in 4 or more events.

Person with lowest point score will win. All ties for 1st in the overall points will play off for trophy, title and prize.