3rd Annual Worst Shot Doubles

Doubles tournament

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hosted by Spinlab (Knollwood)


  • Sat
    Mar 30

    9:00am - 10:15am

    Registration / Check-in


    Players meeting


    Tee off


GEN General $30

About this tournament

This is the third annual Worst Shot Doubles at Knollwood! I had to remove the "April Fool's" moniker due to the fact that April 1st falls on a Monday, but this is the same irreverent fun.

This is a bring your own partner "worst shot" format, taking your standard best shot format and turning it on its head. Both players take their initial shots, if one makes it in the basket, their turn is over for the hole, if not, players must take their next, and each subsequent shot from the farthest out between the two. This tournament is a crowd favorite and has attracted up to 40 disc golfers in the past, so get signed up early and make sure that you get in some worst shot practice!

As the first tournament of the Spinlab Knollwood season, we hope that everyone involved can have fun and respect all other people on the course. The registration fee for this tournament is $30 per team (15 per player). Feel free to leave a message in the talk section of this page with you and you partner's names to pre-register.