3rd Annual Punderson Ice Bowl

Singles tournament

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hosted by Punderson Disc Golf


  • Sat
    Jan 26

    9:00am - 9:45am

    Registration / Check-in

    9:45am - 10:00am

    Players meeting

    10:00am - 10:00am

    Tee off


MCN No Cash $10
MCY Cash $20

About this tournament

9:00-9:45 Registration
9:45 Players meeting
10 am start
Playing one round Reds to Longs par 57
Benefits Geauga County Jobs and Family Services.
There will be 2 divisions.
Entry Fee is:
2 CANS OF FOOD(or $5) plus:
Cash $20
No Cash $10